VIU Campus
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Contact Us

The Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning assists Vancouver Island University in providing high-quality learning through a strong commitment to student success, community engagement and associated scholarship.

Our team can support you through one on one consultations or answer questions by email and phone. To book a consult or ask a question, please contact us with the information below. Our hours of operation at Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm (Pacific Time) excluding statutory holidays and university closures.

Phone: 250.740.6179
Our Offices: Building 305, Room 511 and Room 512, Nanaimo Campus

Meet Our Team

The Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning consists of staff from a wide range of professional backgrounds. We are an interdisciplinary group with a broad range of pedagogical and technical skills. As often as possible our technical team works in conjunction with our pedagogical team to address, research and advise on teaching and learning issues.

Technology Support

Jacqueline Kirkham

Learning Technologies Application Developer

Building / Room
305 / 512c
Preferred Contact Method

Jenna Auringer

Learning Technologies Support Specialist

Building / Room
305 / 511
Preferred Contact Method

Meara Kimball

Learning Technologies Support Specialist

Building / Room
305 / 511c

Raul Campos

Learning Technology Support Specialist

Building / Room
305 / 511

Curriculum Support

Anwen Burk

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Specialist

Building / Room
305 / 511

Elodie Button

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Specialist

Jessica Gemella

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Specialist

Building / Room
305 / 512B

Kathleen Bortolin

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Specialist

Building / Room
305 / 511f


Maxwell Stevenson


Building / Room
305 / 511a

Rebecca Lin

Administrative Assistant

Building / Room
305 / 512a