VIU Campus
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Set Thumbnail

When uploading videos to VIUTube, VIUTube will automatically generate and select an image (called a thumbnail) to be displayed next to the title of your video. This thumbnail will usually be a screenshot from the first 5 seconds of your video. 

If you do not like the thumbnail that VIUTube has automatically generated and selected, you can select another automatically generated thumbnail from a list of available options or you can upload an image file to VIUTube to use as the thumbnail image. If uploading a custom thumbnail it is recommended to use an image (PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, etc...) with 1500 x 840 in resolution or a similar aspect ratio. 

Change the Thumbnail on a VIUTube Video

  1. Navigate to the Manage Media area in VIUTube.

  2. Locate and hover your mouse over the media in question and select More...

  3. Choose Thumbnails. You will see a number of Thumbnail options available.

  4. Click the desired Thumbnail image.

  5. Click Save Thumbnails to save your changes.

Upload a Thumbnail to a VIUTube Video

  1. Navigate to the Manage Media area in VIUTube.

  2. Locate and hover your mouse over the media in question and select More...

  3. Choose Thumbnails.

  4. Choose Upload Custom Thumbnail.

  5. Find and select your thumbnail file.

  6. Click Add to Thumbnails.

  7. Click on the new thumbnail image that has been added to the list of available choices.

  8. Click Save Thumbnails to save your changes.