VIU Campus
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YuJa Software Capture

Yuja Software Capture offers a simple, free way to create and capture video and share it through VIUTube.

In order to use Software Capture, you will need to download a small application to your device. Personal capture is not currently available for tablets or mobile phones. Once you have downloaded the program, you can launch it from the Create Recording button on VIUTube. 

Software Capture allows for 2 audio, video, and screen feeds to be recorded simultaneously. The audio feed can be connected to your microphone and the computer's system audio. You also have the option to record all or part of your screen. 

Consider using Software Capture for:

  • Video assignments

  • Lab demonstrations

  • Presentations

  • Video feedback

    PC Requirements

    • Processor: 2 GHz x64-bit Processor (Minimum dual-core processor for two or less sources). (Recommended: 3 GHz, Quad-Core).
    • Memory (RAM): 4 GB (Recommended: 8 GB or higher).
    • Hard Disk: 200 MB for installation. At medium settings, recordings typically require 250 MB of space per hour. More space will be required for higher settings.
    • Operating System: Windows 10 & 11 (64 bit versions).
    • USB Webcam/Mic: Must support Microsoft Media Foundation or Microsoft DirectShow (if the device supports Microsoft Windows, it will almost certainly support the necessary system specifications).

    Apple Requirements

    • Processor: 2 GHz x86 – or x64-bit Dual-Core Processor (Recommended: 2.4 GHz, Quad-Core).
    • Memory (RAM): 2 GB (Recommended: 4 GB).
    • Hard Disk: 100 MB for installation (approximately 250 MB per hour of content for temporary storage).
    • Operating System: macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or higher.
    • USB Webcam/Mic: Required for local video and audio capture.

Install to a Personal Computer

  1. Choose Create Recording at the top of the screen.

  2. Select Download.

  3. Find and double click the installation file. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the application.

  4. If after installing the file nothing appears on screen, try restarting your computer and launching the application from VIUTube. 

Install to a VIU Issued Computer

If you have a VIU issued computer, you will be able to download the Yuja Software Capture application using either Company Portal or the Software Center. Older VIU issued computers will use the Software Center while newly issued computers use Company Portal. You can find instructions on how to install software through Company Portal or the Software Center on the IT Department's website.

If you are using a VIU issued computer and are having any difficulties with installing the software, please contact the IT Department at for further assistance.

  1. Navigate to VIUTube and select Create Recording at the top of the screen.

  2. Select Record from your Windows PC or Mac from the dropdown menu and click StartThe installed copy of the Software Capture application will open on your computer.

Once you have opened Software Capture, you can select which inputs you want include in your recording. Software Capture can capture up to two camera inputs, two audio input (microphone and system audio), and two computer screen inputs (if using dual monitors). Turn off one or more inputs by clicking on the icon for that input and then clicking the toggle button. You must have at least one input enabled to begin a recording. 

  1. For each enabled input, click the label below the Source heading to select what device to record for that input. 

  2. For webcamera/video recordings, the default resolution will be 480p (640x480). If you would like to record a higher quality video, we would recommend switching the capture resolution to 720p (1280x720) or 1080p (1920x1080). The higher the resolution is on your video, the longer it will take for VIUTube to upload and process your video.
    1. Click the Video heading and then select the Advanced Settings text.

    2. Choose your preferred capture resolution, video quality, and frame rate settings.

    3. Once you have finished editing, click Save to save your changes.
  3. For screen recordings, you can choose between recording two screens, a single screen, recording the full screen, or a selected portion of the screen.
    1. Click the Screen heading and then select the Advanced Settings text.

    2. Click the label below the Display(s) to Capture heading and select your preferred screen capture method from the dropdown menu.

    3. Once you have finished editing, click Save to save your changes.
  1. Give your video a title by typing some text into the Title field.

  2. Make any necessary recording selections, including video, audio and screen.

  3. Press the Start button to begin your capture.

  4. Click the Pause button to pause the recording. Press Play when ready to resume recording. 

  5. Stop by clicking the Finish button on the application, the Recording Toolbar or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F, the default hotkey sequence. The hotkey can be changed if desired. 

  6. Press Delete if you don’t want to keep the file.

  7. Choose Save to save your capture recording to My Media. Once your video has finished uploading, you will see it in your My Media area in VIUTube.