VIU Campus
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Widgets are blocks of content that can be added to specific areas of your VIUBlog site. You can add a variety of content to a widget including audio, calendars, images, videos, recent comments, recent posts, customized navigation menus, search bars, and more.

Exactly where you can add a widget will depend on the theme you have selected, but most themes will allow you to add widgets to the footer or the sidebar of your page. These widgets will be displayed on every page or post on your VIUBlog site.

If you are not seeing the option to add a widget to your site, you may need to select a new theme, as some themes will not allow you to add widgets to your site. 

Add a Widget to your VIUBlog Site

  1. In the Dashboard of your VIUBlog site, click Appearance from the navigation sidebar. 

  2. Click Customize.

  3. Click Widgets.

  4. If your theme allows you to add widgets in multiple locations, you will see a list of all the available areas that widgets can be added to your VIUBlog site. Click the name of the area you wish to add a widget to. 

  5. Click the Add a Widget button
  6. You will see a list of all the available widgets that can be added to your VIUBlog site. Click on the widget you would like to add and follow the prompts given.

  7. Once you have finished adding widgets to your site, click the blue Publish button to save your changes.