VIU Campus
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iPeer Student Guide

iPeer ( ) is a peer feedback tool your instructor may use to facilitate
feedback between you and your peers. Feedback that you enter in iPeer is anonymized before
being shared with your peers, allowing you to give and receive feedback within a team. Your
instructor will be able to see who left which feedback before making feedback available to

System Requirements

iPeer will work in any modern internet browser. We recommend Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari.
Internet Explorer will not work with iPeer. You can use a computer, tablet, or smartphone as long
as you have a stable internet connection.

Sign In

Your instructor will set up an account for you in iPeer and provide you with a temporary

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your username and the password that was provided
  3. Click on your name in the upper right to access your profile
  4. Enter your current password in the Old Password field
  5. Enter and confirm your new password
    • We recommend creating a password with no fewer than 8 characters that includes at least three of the following: upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Forgot Your Password?

If you forget your iPeer password, or if you are having trouble signing in to iPeer, please email and we can reset your password. A new password will be sent to you by
email. We strongly recommend changing that password when you log in to something only you

Enter Peer Feedback

Your instructor will set up and schedule Evaluation Events for you to give feedback to your peers.
When you sign in, you will see any open Peer Evaluations you have not yet completed under the
Peer Evaluations and Due headings.
To fill out an evaluation:

  1. Click on the name of the evaluation.
  2. Fill out the available fields in the evaluation for each member of your team.
    • Depending on which type of evaluation your instructor has created you may need to assign points, choose a rubric level, enter written comments, or a combination of these things.
  3. Make sure you have filled out all of the required fields. You will not be able to edit the evaluation after you submit.
  4. Click Submit the Evaluation to save and submit your evaluation.

View Feedback

After everyone has submitted their evaluations and your instructor has reviewed the submissions,
you will be able to return to iPeer and view the evaluations your peers submitted for you.

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Under Peer Feedback and Submitted, you will see a list of evaluations you have submitted.
  3. Click on the name of the evaluation you want to view. Any released feedback will display.

If you have questions about the feedback, please contact your instructor.