VIU Campus
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VIUBlog themes control and customize the layout and design of your VIUBlog site. By default, all new VIUBlog sites are created using the twenty seventeen theme. However, if you would change how your site looks and how things are arranged, you can do so by selecting another theme. There are many different themes available that you can select from. Each theme will have customized style settings for where the navigation menu will go, how your posts are displayed, and more. 

  1. In the Dashboard of your VIUBlog site, click Appearance from the navigation sidebar. 

  2. From here, you will see all the currently available themes on VIUBlogs and an example thumbnail of how they will look. Your currently active theme will have the Active heading displayed underneath it.

  3. If there is a theme that interests you, you can see how that theme will look on your VIUBlog site by hovering your mouse over the theme and selecting the Live Preview option.

  4. You will now see a preview of how your VIUBlog site will look with that selected theme. To apply that theme to your VIUBlog site, click the Activate & Publish button. If you do not wish to select the theme, click the X icon in the upper left hand corner of the page. 

Once you have found and selected a theme, you can customize some elements of your theme such as the background color, accent color, header image, background image, logos, and more. Exactly what elements can be customized will depend on the theme that you have selected. Some themes provide more customization options then others. Other themes may include elements (such as a header image) that are not available on other themes. 

  1. In the Dashboard of your VIUBlogs site, click Appearance from the navigation sidebar. 

  2. Click Customize.

  3. In the customization menu on the left hand side of the screen, you will be given all the different available options for customizing your theme. These options will vary and may be labelled differently depending on the theme you currently have selected. Click on the labels in the navigation menu and follow the prompts given to customize your theme. 

  4. Once you have finished customizing your theme, click the blue Publish button to save your changes.