VIU Campus
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Each post in WordPress is filed under a category. Thoughtful categorization allows posts to be grouped with others of similar content and aids in the navigation of a site. You can even add a link to a category to your menu to allow visitors to easily access a collection of posts. 

When you create a new post on your site, you can assign it to an existing category, or create a new category for your post. If you choose not to set up categories, all posts will be filed under the Uncategorized category.

  1. Login to your VIUBlog account and go to the Dashboard of your site.

  2. In the navigation sidebar on the left side of the page select Posts.

  3. Click on the name of the post you wish to edit. Alternatively, you can create a new post by clicking the Add New button.

  4. Click the Categories tab in the settings sidebar on the right side of the page. 

  5. If you have previously created any categories for your VIUBlog site, click the checkbox next to any category you wish to assign to the post. 

  6. If you wish to add a new category to this post, click the Add New Category text. 

  7. Give your new category a name. If you wish, you can also assign your new category to a Parent Category.

  8. Click the Add New Category button to create your new category. 

  9. Once you have finished, click the Save Draft or Publish buttons to save your changes. 

You can add, edit, and delete categories through your site dashboard.

  1. Login to your VIUBlog account and go to the Dashboard of your site.

  2. Click Posts in the navigation sidebar on the left side of the page and then click Categories.

  3. To add a category, fill in the required fields underneath the Add New Category heading and then click the Add New Category button.

  4. To edit a category, hover your cursor over the name of the Category and click Edit. Once you have made your changes, click Update.

  5. To delete one or more categories, check the boxes next to the category and then set the Bulk Actions drop down to Delete. Click Apply.