VIU Campus
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Posts and Pages

In order to insert content onto your VIUBlogs site, you will need to insert that content into either a Post or a Page.

What is a Page?

Pages are the basis for most websites. Pages do not have a date displayed on them and can be individually added to your site menu. You can even configure your menu to automatically add all new pages to the menu.  

What is a Post?

A post is a chronological, journal style entry that has a date, time and author visible with your content. Posts are organized into a feed that (by default) display the most recent content first. You can use categories to group similar posts and even add links to categories of posts to your menu

Most sites will have a combination of posts and pages. Sites that are primarily blog sites may have a static About or Contact page which shares important information which changes rarely. This content would be created as a page. 

To Create a Post or Page:

  1. Login to VIUBlogs and navigate to the Site Dashboard of the VIUBlog site you wish to add a Post or Page to. 

  2. Click either Posts or Pages from the navigation sidebar.

  3. Click the Add New button.

  4. Insert a Title for your post into the Add Title input field. 

  5. Create your Post/Page:

    • Click the "Start writing or type / to choose a block" field to insert a Paragraph block and begin writing your Post.

    • If you wish to add any other media materials or specialized formatting to your site (Images, Galleries, Videos, Quotes, Headings, etc), click the Add Block button (plus icon). Search and select for the block type you wish to use or click the Browse all button to see all the available block types.
  6. Once you have finished editing your Post/Page, you can customize a number of status and visibility settings regarding your Post/Page in the panel of the right hand side of the screen:

    • By default, your Post/Page will be set to Public. However, you can change your Visibility settings to Private so that only Site Administrators and Editors of your site will be able to see the Post/Page. Alternatively, you can change your Visibility settings to Password Protected which means that visitors must enter the password you have set on the Post/Page in order to be able to view the content of that Post/Page. 

    • By default, your Post/Page will be published immediately once your click the Publish button. If you wish for your Post/Page to be published at a specific date and time, click Immediately next to the Publish heading and selecting an alternative Date and Time from the popup calendar. 
  7. Once you have finished editing, click the Save Draft or the Publish button.
    The Publish button will publish your Post/Page to your site. The Save Draft button will allow you to come back and make additional changes to your Post/Page at a later date.