VIU Campus
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Access Mandatory Online Training

You may be required periodically to complete an internal training course created by the Health and Safety office, IT Department, or another VIU department. Employees who are required to complete such training will often be automatically enrolled in the required course. If this is the case, you will see the course appear under All Courses in VIULearn. 

Because the requirements for students vary widely across departments and faculties, students are not automatically enrolled in any of the courses offered through Discover. If your students need to take a Health and Safety course such as WHMIS or any other not for credit training in VIULearn, they will need to enroll through Discover. 

If you need access to a training course and you do not see it in your courses, you may need to self-enrol in that course through the Discover tool inside VIUlearn: 

Sign Up for a Course through Discover

  1. Go to 

  2. Click Go to VIULearn. 

  3. Enter your VIU credentials and click Sign In.

  4. You will be taken to your VIULearn My Home page. In the navigation bar, click Discover. 

  5. Locate the course you want to register for either by browsing the course tiles, or using the search bar. Once you find the course you need, click on the course tile. 

  6. Click the blue Enroll in Course button (note: if you are already enrolled, you will see a Open Course button instead)

  7. You will see a confirmation pop-up. Click Ok to close it. 

  8. You can now click Open Course to go straight to the course.

  9. Click the ellipse beside Open Course to choose Unenroll if you wish to be removed from the course, or click the VIU logo in the upper left to return to your My Home page.