VIU Campus
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Share VIUTube Media

VIUTube media is not visible with anyone but you by default. If you want others to see your media, you can do so by giving a link to your media or by embedding your media into a website or VIULearn course.

Linking or Embedding Media From VIUTube

  1. Navigate to VIUTube and find the video you wish to share in your Media Library.

  2. Hover over the media you wish to share and select More...

  3. Click the Links tab. 

  4. Copy the Direct Link text. Anyone that you provide this link to will be able to view the media in VIUTube.

    You can use this option if you wish to share a video with your instructor in an Assignment Submission folder or in an email. Depending on the settings your instructor has in place for that Assignment Submission folder, you may need to paste this link into a Word or Text document and then upload that text file to the Assignment Submission folder for your instructor to view. 

    Copy the Embed Code if you would like to embed the media directly into a website or page. You can use this option if you wish to embed a video into a Discussion Thread or Discussion Post.

    Embed VIUTube Media into a VIULearn Discussion

    1. Select Communication from the course navigation bar. From the dropdown menu, select Discussions.

    2. Click on the Discussion Topic you wish to reply to.

    3. Click the Start a New Thread button to reply to the Topic. Alternatively, click on the Discussion Thread you wish to reply to and select the Reply to Thread button or Reply text to create a post reply.

    4. Click the Insert Stuff button. 

    5. Click Enter Embed Code.

    6. Paste the VIUTube embed code into the input field provided.

    7. Click the Next button.

    8. Click the Insert button.

    Embed VIUTube Media into a VIUBlogs Post or Page

    1. From your VIUBlog site Dashboard, click either Posts or Pages from the navigation sidebar (depending on where you would like to add the VIUTube media to).

    2. Click on the Post or Page you wish to edit. Or click the Add New button to create a new Post or Page. 

    3. Click the Add Block icon (+ icon). 

    4. Search and select the Embed block

    5. Paste your Direct Link into the block. Then select Embed.