VIU Campus
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How Students Access Feedback

Students can see feedback you publish for an assignment in the Assignment tool, the Class Progress tool, or, if you have attached the assignment to a grade item, in the Grades tool. Once a student has looked at the assignment in one of these tools, VIULearn will mark the assignment feedback as read so you and the student know that they have looked at that feedback.

Please note that VIULearn will mark feedback read whether or not the student downloads any attachments or opens the attached rubric. The feedback read flag may only mean that the student checked their grades after a linked assignments feedback was published. 

Class Progress

The Class Progress tool allows you to see the same information for each student in your course as they would see themselves when they go to Class Progress. This is the best way to check if you want to make sure that feedback is showing up how you expected it to for your assignment.

  1. Select Assessment and then Class Progress in the course navigation bar.

  2. Click on the name of the student whose Class Progress you want to view. You can use the search box at the top or scroll until you find the student in the list.

  3. Once you click on the student's name, you will be taken to the same page that student would see if they opened Class Progress.

  4. Select Assignments from the list on the left of the page.

  5. You will see a list of the assignments that the student has been able to access (hidden assignments will not appear in Class Progress).

    • If the assignment has been given a score, this will appear to the right of the assignment name.

    • If a student has submitted a file to an assignment or if there is feedback for the assignment, you will see a Details option under the assignment.

  6. Click Details to see what is available for that assignment. You will see written comments as well as blue links to view attached feedback files or rubrics. You can also view any files that the student submitted to the folder.