VIU Campus

Media Security Settings

As the owner of media in VIUTube, you have a lot of control over who can see your video. A video that is set to private can only be shared within the VIUTube platform and cannot be opened with a direct link or embedded in any site. Only those individuals who you have shared the media with will be able to see it. 

When you make your video public, you can then share the video by direct link or embed code. Public videos can have access limited in a number of ways to allow you to share your media on a website, in a course, or by email. Click on the headings below to learn more about each of the different security setting options. 

In some cases, you may want to restrict a video to only VIU students and employees without requiring users to access the video through a specific website domain. This is when you might use the authentication restriction setting.

Please note: students will only be able to access a video that requires authentication if they are logged into VIULearn (which will also sign them into VIUTube) at the time they follow the media link. If students try to open a link that requires authentication when they are not already signed into VIULearn, they will be taken to a login page which currently only works for employee accounts. CIEL is working with our vendor and IT to resolve this, but for now we are recommending that this kind of restriction only be applied for media held inside VIULearn or media that will only be shared and viewed by VIU employees. 

  1. In the Security Settings window check the box beside Password or Authentication Restriction.

  2. Select Platform Authentication [Platform or Single Sign on].

  3. Once you have finished, click Save. 

A password restriction does exactly what you would expect: asks users to enter a password before the media will play. This is a simple restriction that can be very effective if there’s a set number of users who should have access to media. Anyone who has the password or can guess it would be able to view the media, otherwise the media will not play.

  1. In the Security Settings window check the box beside Password of Authentication Restriction.

  2. Select Simple Password.

  3. Enter the password into the password field provided. Passwords are case sensitive and can include numbers and symbols for enhanced security. Anyone who you have directly shared the video with using the share feature with either edit or full access permissions can see and change the password.

  4. Once you have finished, click Save. 

You can also control the date range that your media can be accessed. This may be helpful if we want to cut off student access to the materials once the course is complete. Before the “Visible Date” and/or after the “Invisible Date,” anyone who isn’t the video owner, or someone who the video owner has directly shared the video with using the share feature, will see a “This Video is Private” message when trying to access the media.

  1. In the Security Settings window check the box beside Date Restriction.

  2. Add a Visible Date, Invisible Date, or both.

  3. Click Save to apply the change.

IP address restrictions are generally not recommended. If there is media that needs to be viewed only from a specific computer, you would need to work with the IT department to determine if there is a static IP address or set range of IP addresses you could use for that machine to restrict the access. If this comes up, please contact so we can help you set up and test the restriction.

The location restriction setting will allow you to restrict your videos so that only users who are located in a specific country or specific province can view your videos. 

  1. In the Security Settings window check the box beside Location Restriction.

  2. Click the Country box and select the country you wish to restrict the video to. If you would like to restrict the video to a specific province/state, click the Region box and select the province/state from the dropdown menu. 

  3. Click the > button to add the location to the list of allowed locations. You can remove previously added locations by clicking on that location and then clicking the < arrow.

  4. Repeat steps 2-3 for each location you wish to restrict the video to. 

  5. Click Save to apply the changes.

A domain restriction works by only allowing media to be played if it is accessed through a specific URL. This feature may be useful if you wish for your VIUTube videos to only be shared and viewed through a specific platform.

For example, If you add to the domain restriction field, your media can be viewed by your students when it is embedded inside a VIULearn course, or shared by a link accessed from inside VIULearn, but will not allow that link to be copied and shared outside of VIULearn. 

  1. In the Security Settings window check the box beside Domain Restriction.

  2. Enter any URLs that you wish to have the domain restricted to into the input field on the left hand side (for example: 

  3. Click the > button to add the URL to the list of allowed domains. You can remove a URL from the list by clicking that URL and then clicking the < arrow.

  4. Click Save to apply the changes.

Add Restrictions to Your Media

To set any of these restrictions for a video in your collection: 

  1. Locate the item in your media collection. Hover your mouse over the media thumbnail and click More.

  2. Select Links in the left hand panel.

  3. Click the Security Settings button.

  4. Select the restriction(s) you want to add by checking the appropriate boxes and setting any sub-settings that appear. For more information about the restrictions and the different sub-settings, please view the headings above. 

  5. When you are done, click Save.

Note: If you share your media with a specific person in VIUTube, this will override any other security limitation you put on the video for that person. This allows you to exempt a specific student or colleague from needing to meet whatever other criteria you place on the video in order to view it. Anyone who has a video shared with them within VIUTube can always view that video in the Shared With Me section of their media library.