VIU Campus
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Export Grades

Instructors can export grades from the VIULearn Grades tool. This can be a great way to take an offline backup of your grades before making changes to grades settings, or just to keep an offline record of student achievement in your course. You may also want to export your grades if you want to apply extra formulas to calculate your final grade and prefer not to use the Formula option inside VIULearn.

Export Your Gradebook

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Assessment. From the drop-down menu, select Grades.

  2. Click the Enter Grades tab.

  3. Click the Export button at the top of the screen.

  4. You will be able to choose some options for your export: 
    • Export Grade Items for all users or for a specific group.
    • The Key Field allows you to choose whether you want to include students' student number (Org Defined ID) or the anonymous identifier used for students' internal email (username) or both of these. 
    • Use the Sort By drop down to select how you want the export to be sorted. 
    • Choose which grade values you want to have includes (Weighted, points, grade scheme etc.) 
    • Select which user details to include (Last name, first name, email etc.) 
  5. You can then select if you want to export all grades or just certain items.

  6. At the bottom of the page, choose whether you want to Export to CSV or Export to Excel. 

  7. It may take a few minutes for VIULearn to generate your CSV or Excel file. Once your file has been generated, click the Download button. The file should then begin downloading to your device.