VIU Campus
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Email that is sent through VIULearn is delivered to users' VIULearn inbox as well as forwarded to their external email address (unless the user choose to turn off forwarding). Individual users can edit their forwarding options in their Account Settings to best suit their usage. By default, the VIULearn email tool is set up to forward email to your email address and to the email students' have on their Student Record.

Students can edit their forwarding address through their Account Settings if their email changes. VIU employees should never forward their VIULearn email to a non VIU email address. These emails may contain sensitive and personally identifying student information which should not be stored on your personal email.

Access the Email Tool

  1. Click on the Envelope icon in the minibar
  2. select Email from the dropdown menu.
  3. The Email tool will open.

From this screen, you can see a list of the most recent emails you have received, read emails, compose new emails and replies, and manage your emails and folders.

Please note that the email tool is an "umbrella tool": even when you access it from a specific course you will see all of your emails from all of your courses.

Email your Entire Classlist:

  1. From the course navigation bar, choose Communications and then Classlist.
  2. Click the grey Email Classlist button at the top of the page.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the list that appears and choose the blue Send Email button.
  4. The email composition screen will open. Once you are ready, click the Send button to send out your email, or click Save as Draft to save and finish your email at a later time.

Email Specific Students:

  1. From the course navigation bar, choose Communications and Classlist.
  2. Use the boxes to the right of the students' names to select them.
    Please Note: If you have 2 or more pages to your classlist, adjust the students per page so that you can see the entire list. Otherwise, you will lose your selections whenever you change pages.
  3. Once you have selected the student(s) you want to email, click on the Email icon at the top of the classlist page.

The Email Editing Screen

Please Note: When you select student emails from the classlist, they are automatically added to the BCC box. There does not need to be an address in the To box for the email to send correctly. Emails in the BCC box will be hidden from recipients. 

You can add an email subject, information in the text box (which has the same editing capabilities as the other text boxes in VIULearn) and attach files to the email. When you are done you can either choose Send or Save as Draft at the top of the page.