VIU Campus
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Add Media to Content

While you can upload audio and video content to VIULearn directly, VIULearn is not designed to be a streaming service. When media files are directly added to VIULearn users who are accessing your course on a mobile device or tablet may not be able to view these items. If you want to share video and audio, we strongly recommend uploading these files to VIUTube which is designed to facilitate viewing of your media across multiple platforms. 

Any content uploaded, embedded, or linked to on VIULearn is subject to Canadian copyright law. Please ensure that your content is either appropriately licensed, falls under Fair Dealing, or is your own. Please make sure to advise your students of appropriate use and sharing of copyright protected content.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Copyright Office at and review the copyright Instructors Guide.

You can add videos, images, and other media to your course using links or by embedding them as their own topics or within a VIULearn file. 

  1. Click Content from the course navigation bar. 

  2. Click the Module where you would like to add the link to. 

  3. Click the Upload/Create button. Select Create a Link from the drop-down menu. 

  4. Give your link a title. 

  5. Paste the link you wish to share in the URL input field. 

  6. Click the Open as External Resource checkbox. 

  7. Click the blue Create button. 

  1. Click Content from the course navigation bar. 

  2. Click the Module where the link is located.  

  3. Click the downward arrow next to the title of your link. Select Edit Link from the dropdown menu. 

  4. Make any necessary changes. Once you are ready, click the blue Update button. 

  1. Click Content from the course navigation bar. 

  2. Click the Module where the link is located.  

  3. Click the downward arrow next to the title of your link. Select Delete Topic from the dropdown menu. 

  4. Choose to either keep the associated file or activity in the course or to permanently delete the topic from the course.

  5. Click the Delete button. 

Adding Video to VIULearn

Most video streaming platforms (including VIUTube) allow you to embed a video in a website. Embedding a video allows students to play the video from within your course rather than needing to follow a link to an external website. In VIULearn, you can embed a video directly into content or you can embed a video inside a VIULearn file where you can add contextualizing information around the video. 

  1. Click Content from the course navigation bar. 

  2. Click on the Module where you want to add the video to. 

  3. Click the Upload/Create button. From the dropdown menu, select Video or Audio

  4. Paste the embed code (or link if you are adding a YouTube video) into the Enter URL or Embed Code input field. For more information on finding the VIUTube Embed Code, please view the VIUTube Link and Embed page.

  5. Give your video a title. 

  6. Click the blue Save button. 

  1. Click Content from the course navigation bar. 

  2. Click on the Module where you want to add the video to. 

  3. Click the Upload/Create button and choose Create a File

  4. Click the Insert Stuff button. 

  5. Choose Enter Embed Code

  6. Paste the Embed Code for your media. YouTube embed codes can be found by clicking the Share button under the video.  For more information on finding the VIUTube Embed Code, please view the VIUTube Embed page.

  7. Click the blue Next button. 

  8. Click the blue Insert button. 

  9. Add a title (required) and any text or other content to your file. When you are finished editing the file, click the blue Save and Close button. 

If you have uploaded a video to VIUTube, you can add that video directly as a Content Topic in your course using the VIUTube integration inside VIULearn. 

If your VIUTube videos are added using the integration, VIUTube will be able to record more detailed Video Analytics about who has viewed your VIUTube videos. If you have created a video quiz that you wish to track and provide feedback on, you will need to add the video quiz to the course using the integration. 

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Content. 

  2. Navigate into the Module or Sub-Module you wish to add the VIUTube video to.

  3. Click the grey Existing Activities button and select Add VIUTube Media. 

  4. If you would like to add a video quiz to your course, click the Quizzes tab. Otherwise, skip to step 5. 

  5. Find and select the video you wish to add. 

  6. Click on the thumbnail of the video you wish to add to the course Content. Then click Insert Content. 

Adding Images

Adding an image to your VIULearn Files is one way of adding additional information to your course. Remember that when you add images they should add to the value of your course. We always try to encourage people to not have extraneous images because they do distract from learning. Be sure that your images have meaning. You want to try to bring in things that matter to the course.

  1. Click Content on the course navigation bar.

  2. Choose the module or sub-module where you want to add the file.

  3. Select the blue Upload/Create button and choose Create a File.

  4. Click Insert Image. 

  5. Choose My Computer to upload an image from your computer (You can also add an image from the Manage Files area, or add an image using it's URL).

  6. Click Upload.

  7. Navigate to the image you want to add and click Open.

  8. It might take some time for your image to upload. Once the image has uploaded, click Add to add the image to your file.

  9. If the image conveys any important information, you will want to add some Alt Text in the popup that appears. The Alt text in your image will allow students who rely on screen readers to be able to understand the content of the image without being able to see it. 

    If your image is just for decoration, check the box beside “This image is decorative.” 

  10. Click the blue OK button.

  11. Add a title (required) and any text or other content to your file. Once you are finished editing the file, click the blue Save and Close button.

    Please Note: If your course is active, learners will be able to see the page immediately unless you have set specific restrictions to hide the module or sub-module.